About lab-grown Diamonds

When comparing lab-grown diamonds with natural diamonds, it’s important to understand that both types are equally genuine. Visually, they are identical, with the same brilliance, color, and clarity. Functionally, they are just as hard and durable, and chemically, they consist of the same material, created by replicating the natural processes

At Éternelle, we use only lab-grown diamonds, which reduces the need for mining and the associated environmental and social issues.

Learn more about our endeavors to establish a more ethical diamond industry by clicking here.

Benefits of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds offer a range of significant benefits. 

These diamonds are evaluated and certified using the same stringent criteria as natural diamonds, including the same color and clarity scales and cutting grades. 

This ensures that lab-grown diamonds maintain the same high standards and aesthetic qualities as their natural counterparts.

Additionally, lab-grown diamonds have a significantly smaller environmental impact, as their production does not involve resource-intensive and environmentally damaging mining. 

At Éternelle, we work closely with leading laboratories to ensure that all our diamonds are produced under ethical and controlled conditions. 

This means you can wear our jewelry with pride and peace of mind, knowing that it does not contribute to environmental destruction or social injustices.

Diamonds as an Investment

Whether you purchase a natural or lab-grown diamond, you should expect the value of your jewelry to depreciate from the moment of purchase.

Over time, a natural diamond may regain some of its value, but unless you invest an extraordinary amount in a large diamond with high clarity and color or a rare fancy colored diamond, it is unlikely that you will make a profit within your lifetime.

Therefore, our recommendation is always to buy the jewelry for what it is and what it means to you in the present.

If you are looking to invest in aesthetics, beauty, and sustainability, lab-grown diamonds are an excellent choice.

Are lab-grown diamonds real


The short answer is yes. The longer explanation is that lab-grown diamonds are created through a technical imitation of the natural process that forms a diamond over hundreds of millions of years.

The materials that make up a natural diamond are the same as those in a lab-grown diamond, so lab-grown diamonds achieve the same qualities as their natural counterparts.
The world’s leading gemological institutes (such as IGI and GIA) regard lab-grown diamonds as real diamonds, with no differences from natural diamonds.

The only real difference is the method of creation.


Are lab-grown diamonds real diamonds?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are real. They are created through a technical process that mimics the natural formation of diamonds and consists of the same material. The only difference is the method of creation.

Will lab-grown diamonds sparkle like natural diamonds?
Yes. When you compare a lab-grown diamond to a natural diamond with the same clarity, color, and cut, they will look identical and reflect light in the same way.
Can a diamond tester distinguish between natural and lab-grown diamonds?

No. Lab-grown diamonds have the same thermal and electrical conductivity as natural diamonds, so a diamond tester will show the same result regardless of whether the stone is natural or lab-grown.

Are natural diamonds a better investment?

Generally speaking, neither lab-grown diamonds nor natural diamonds can be considered a good investment. This is unless you invest an extraordinary sum in a large diamond with high clarity and color grade, or a rare fancy colored diamond. No matter what you choose, you should anticipate your jewelry losing value as soon as you buy it. Even if you buy a natural diamond, it's unlikely that you'll turn a profit in your lifetime. Our advice is to always buy jewelry because you want to wear it, not because you expect to make a profit from it.


Are lab-grown diamonds an ethical choice?

Ethical diamond mining has been a major focus in recent years. However, even today, it can be challenging for authorities to trace the supply chain of diamond jewelry. The easiest choice for a consumer seeking a conflict-free diamond is to buy a lab-grown diamond. At Éternelle, our diamonds are created under controlled conditions that protect both the environment and people.